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Digital Marketing - intentionality 101
Ed Hanchett

Digital Marketing - intentionality 101

The conversation is almost predictable. Somebody “in the know” told me I need to do “this” and my online problems will be solved. More often than not, “this” comes with a handsome price tag.

I really wish it were that simple. If it were, the company or person sharing this wisdom would have applied it for themselves and would have made so much money they wouldn’t need to share their secret! Even for a handsome price tag!

I apologize for the sarcasm in my tone but it goes along with the “nothing is free” and “nothing is easy” and “if it sounds too good to be true” aspects of reality.

Does that mean the alternative is to throw up your hands and give up? Well, that depends on the size of the obstacles in front of you….and while they may be big, you must tackle them if you intend to remain in business.

We recommend that you begin by identifying and defining your goals and objectives. Remember – they must be specific and they must be reasonable

Then, define and quantify your resources. What are you able to invest in time and money toward achieving your goals? Unfortunately, the adage that something is better than nothing may not apply in this case. 

Finally, you need to develop a plan that results in action. Thinking about it and contemplating scenarios is good but if you don’t take the first step, you’ll never move. 

So, does making an impact online take rocket science? Well, probably not. But making an impact online does require intentionality. 

Give us a call. Let’s talk about the reality of Digital Marketing and how you CAN impact your business – online!

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